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Aroha Dean’s Low Carb Breakfast Loaf

Aroha Dean’s Low Carb Breakfast Loaf

Aroha Dean’s Low Carb Breakfast Loaf

Aroha Dean’s Low Carb Breakfast Loaf

Aroha Dean’s Low Carb Breakfast Loaf.

  • 2 cups ground almonds.
  • 3 tablespoons coconut flour.
  • 1 teaspoon soda.
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.
  • 1/4 cup flax meal.
  • 1 cup mix raw nuts.
  • 1/4 cup pepitas.
  • 1/4 cup Chia seeds.
  • Pink rock salt to taste.
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.
  • 6 eggs.
  • 1/4 melted coconut oil.
  • 1 cup coconut milk.

1.  Place all dry ingredients in a bowl & mix to combine.

2.  Add all the wet ingredients to the dry mix and stir.

3.  Once all combined, place in your lined loaf dish.

4.  Place in oven at 150-170 degrees for 45 minutes.

5.  Or until golden brown and have done the knife test.

Test the bread by poking a sharp knife in the center and if it comes out clean the bread is ready, if it comes out with mixture still on the knife then the bread will need a little longer.

Aroha XX

Aroha Dean


Kicking It In The Butt, How I Quit Smoking

Kicking It In The Butt, How I Quit Smoking

Kicking It In The Butt, How I Quit Smoking

Kicking It In The Butt, How I Quit Smoking

Yes, I was a closet smoker for over 20 years! 

Crazy to think it huh?

I call it closet because I was ashamed of my habit especially when I had entered the health & fitness industry. 

I would smoke in the comfort of my own home & if I was out it would only be around people who I felt comfortable with.

I started smoking at the age of 14. To think, that is only 4 years away for my eldest daughter Te Atarangi & yes, I would be pretty disappointed if she did start. Once I started earning my own money, cigarettes were a top priority even if I was scraping by, there would always be a way to fund my habit. I had always dated smokers & it had just become the norm until I meet Royal, who has never touched a cigarette in his life or a single drug for that matter, but he did like a drink.  Not once did Royal ever nag me or tell me to give up, he knew that I would, but in my own time.  Royal didn’t support my habit but he never judged me on it either.

I stopped smoking in the public eye when I was 27 while I was carrying Te Atarangi Pearl, not the proudest moment of my life.

The weirdest time I craved a smoke was straight after I had trained.  Yes, I was super fit and I was a smoker.  People who had known me for a while & then found out I smoked were shocked because I hid it so well.  I def wouldn’t lie about it, if someone asked, of course, I would say yeah I smoke.

The first thing I would do in the morning was put on the jug, make my coffee & roll my cigarette.  I would have 3 before I left for work in the morning.  This was my routine & the habit I had created for myself.  I would work all day without a smoke & then come home after I had trained and relieve that craving.  I had this story I would tell myself all the time, that I would be one of those people that will smoke all my life and not die from a smoking-related disease.  I never wanted to give up smoking & I had never tried.

So what changed?? About 2 years before I had quit I sat outside our apartment thinking I’m so sick of hiding this, but it was my only go to, the only thing I kept from my previous life & I didn’t want to give up just yet.  Well, fast forward 2 years and I had taken myself to a plastic surgeon enquiring about a tummy tuck & breast augmentation to find out that they wouldn’t do the procedure if I smoked.  With a lotttttt of hesitation & thought,  throwing what if’s back & forward I went to the chemist and bought a supply of Champix.  It wasn’t that I wanted to give up, I just wanted this surgery more than anything in this world.  I worked my arse off every day and still had this loose skin around my stomach & of course with having bubby & training my boobies were not big and perky as I wanted them lol.

Anyways I had been taking Champix for 3 months with no relapse, I ordered the next 3 months but didn’t really need them, I was more hooked on the side effects of the drugs, which one being remembering your dreams so vividly it was crazy.  So did I get the surgery?? Hahaha no!! I actually got declined for the loan I applied for in Australia which worked out to be a blessing in disguise as we welcomed the twins 3 years later.  It would’ve been a total waste of money lol. 

Do I still want surgery?? Yes definitely, however, it will not be loaned, I hate debt & interest I also will pass on implants as well with the research that I have done for myself, I’m totally comfortable with my own boobies 😆.

I live with my selfishness every day to give up smoking for surgery & not for my first pregnancy.  I am so grateful that Te Atarangi is the healthiest child I know.  I do still feel a sense of guilt for poisoning her, but I all so believe people change, I have changed & have been smoke-free for 3 years. 

Find your greater self, your purpose, your belief & you can achieve 💖

PS Champix worked for me, however, it is not for everyone. There are some pretty crazy side effects that I was uninformed of at the time.  If you are wanting to quit smoking & thinking about giving Champix a go, please consult with your doctor & make sure he goes through ALL the pros & cons with you xx

Aroha XX

Aroha Dean


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